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My partner and I have a very specific style so Flitch worked personally with me to find a bed that was perfect and much cheaper than I expected. Brilliant service!

Antoniya K.

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I had a wonderful experience using Flitch. It is incredibly user-friendly and saved me so much time when decorating my new home! They got my taste spot on. Really impressed!

Annaelle M.

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My stylist Sam really helped me narrow down my search for dining furniture, capturing my taste perfectly. Such good value for money and saved me so much time!

Carolyn L.

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As easy as it gets. Savouring every moment with this new armchair. Thanks for helping me find it! I highly recommend it for any occasion where you are buying new furniture.

Melanie A.

Trustpilot Review


Good service for new homeowners. If you’re like me and are looking to furnish a bunch of empty rooms in a new house– then Flitch is a great service that can help you with that.


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It’s a sleek site which is easy on the eyes and gets the job done. Amazingly simple, thanks for helping me find my fabulous new bed!

Andrew G.

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